Time left to place your booking










Tickets for PGDay UK cost £149 inclusive of VAT (£129 during our Early Bird promotion). There is also an additional day of PostgreSQL Training available on Monday 3rd July prior to PGDay, which can be selected on the booking form below. More details about the training courses available can be found here.

If you would like to be invoiced directly, please select bank transfer and an invoice will be generated and sent to you. Once this invoice has been paid, you will be sent an email confirming your booking to the email address supplied.

Your Details

Please enter your details so we know who is placing the order and who to contact.


There are currently 120 available spaces left for this event.

Please select the number of tickets you need for the event using the buttons on the right.

Discount Code

If you have a discount code please enter it into the box below and click the 'check' button to apply your discount code to this order.

Order Total

Below is an overview of your order, the number of tickets, who they are for and any discounts which have been applied to your order.

Discount Code: -£0
Order Total £0

Payment Method

Please select your desired payment method using the options below and click the 'Proceed to Payment' button to complete your order.